The budget for the FY 2014-15 will be presented by H’ble Finance Minister Sh. Arun Jaitley Ji in the parliament on 10th of July, 2014.
This will be a budget of aspirations of the young india – a budget that will set the agenda of Modi Government for the next 5 years and will mirror an image of Future India. The country has deeply suffered during the coalition rule of UPA government and has given a decisive mandate to Mr. Narendra Modi to set the tone of a progressive and developed india.
Mr. Modi is a visionary and has already briefed his economic agenda to his cabinet and the nation at large. The budget will reflect the Policy Implementation of the agenda set by Mr. Modi and hopefully it will write an iconic chapter in the indian History.
I look forward for an India of 21st Century that may be recalled as “The Golden Tiger” that has the resources, the will and the vigour to lead the World Economy.